Sweet & Sour

Monday, July 10, 2006

By the way, this is me and my husband Chip.

Well well well. Here I am. Starting out fresh. It is always a bit intimidating for me. Starting something new. Knowing that once I have set a certain "feel" to this blog I will most likely continue in it. It amazes me how everyone starts with the same exact box to type in, and yet how many different styles there are to blogs. Some people write out goofy things they happen to think every few days. Others write out very factual things-mostly the events that have taken place in their lives with little expression of thoughts or feelings they experience with the events. Others choose subjects or politics and give their opinions and views.

No matter how much I try, I never seem to accomplish the "feel" or style that I am going for. At least not in the past. But I am hoping that this time will be different. I am hoping that this time I can do all of those things. I am hoping that this time I can be myself and show all of you out there who might happen to stumble across my page just a little glimpse of the real me even if it is only in words and never in person.

I am gonna give it a try. We'll see what happens. Stay tuned.